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No One is Illegal

By Arthur J Miller

In the creation, life upon Mother Earth was never told that they could not journey to where the pursuit of needs or desire would take them. Many life forms depended upon the journey for their survival, the caribou, the buffalo, the whale, the salmon, flocks of many types of birds, even the human animal journeyed. In the Natural World there are no borders, no one is illegal.

Along came groups of human animals that conquered other groups of once free human animals. The conquers set marks upon paper that defined the limits of their conquest and these marks became the borders that told all of the boundaries of their of authority. The land and all life that lived within the boundaries of their authority were subject to the dictates of the authority of the conquers who became a ruling class over all within their rule. The rules of the rulers were set down on paper as laws, which defined what was legal, and what was illegal based upon what benefited the rulers. Those outside of the boundaries could only cross the borders legally if the rulers felt they would benefit from their that act, those that crossed with little or no benefit to the rulers were declared illegal. In the Natural World there are no borders, no one is illegal.

The rulers of the unnatural nations saw all lands of indigenous people as unconquered lands. Since, within their system of unnatural nations the rulers had, in their view, the divine right of authority, those outside of their system had only the right to be conquered and ruled. Thus the progression of the system of unnatural nations has been that of worldwide conquest of unconquered lands. In the Natural World there are no borders, no one is illegal.

Thought the ruling classes of the unnatural nations with their borders sought to control those that crossed their borders, they did not place the same limitations upon themselves. Throughout the history of the unnatural nations acts of invasion of other unnatural nations have continuously occurred which has advanced to the state of vast wars of mass death and destruction. Given the ruler's laws of borders that they base the boundaries of their authority upon, all offensive wars should be illegal, but the laws of the rulers only are for the governed and are not meant for the governors. In the Natural World there are no borders, no one is illegal.

Unnatural nations formed alliances with other unnatural nations, signed military pacts and rights of exploitation, which they called, trade agreements. The rulers and their exploitation were given free passage across the borders of unnatural nations. Thus the repression and exploitation of the people and the pillaging of Mother Earth became multinational pursuits. In the Natural World there are no borders, no one is illegal.

The people who are ruled by the rulers are documented and placed under the ownership of the unnatural nations and called citizens. To be owned by an unnatural state brings the slave's duty to follow the ruler's laws, fight if needed in the ruler's army and to pay part of all that which they make in the form of taxes to the rulers. To the ruled they may only cross their masters borders without their master's permission or they are declared illegal. In the Natural World there are no borders, no one is illegal.

Most of the governed classes must seek out employment from the owning class, for the owning class has proclaimed resources and the production of needs as their private property. Thus the govern class also became the working class that produces the needs of society in which the owning class profits from by selling back to the producers their needs in the form of consumer products. To attempt to change this arrangement is illegal by the ruler's laws, as is crossing their borders without permission to sell one's labor for greater return. In the Natural World there are no borders, no one is illegal.

Throughout the world the owning class seeks to accumulate all that they can by keeping as little of produced wealth and needs as possible out of the hands of the people. To back up this arrangement the owning class uses it's hired guns, the police and military, it's laws, courts and prisons to keep those that they govern from gaining a better share. The very existence of the unnatural states and their borders is an act to keep the owners rich, the governor's governing and the people poor and oppressed. In the Natural World there are no borders, no one is illegal.

The people struggle to survive under this system, for survival is this first natural law of all. Sometimes because economic needs become so great, or the get out of the way of the ruler's wars, people find that they must move to new locations to seek work or safety. If that move takes them across the master's borders without permission, they become illegals, even if they are doing nothing more than following the first natural law. In the Natural World there are no borders, on one is illegal.

Sometimes with family intact, other times forced to separate from families, the ones called illegals move as they can down perilous paths. Hunted by agents of the unnatural states and sometimes preyed upon by those seeking vulnerable victims. Cold or hot; hungry; hiding out in the elements; longing for the home they were forced to leave behind; moved by the hope that at the end of the journey they will find something better. In the Natural World there are no borders, no one is illegal.

Declared illegal by those who seek to control the world; hated by those that cannot see beyond their master's deceitful social conditioning. Those declared illegal become the master's blamed ones for everything from driving wages down, to taking jobs away, crime rates and even environmental destruction. All the things that in fact the owner's greed produces. In the Natural World there are no borders, no one is illegal.

The Natural World thrown out of balance. Natural law becomes outlaws. Nothing makes common sense anymore. Where in the laws that govern the existence of all upon our Mother Earth is there found that a few have the legal right to govern and exploit the many? Where does it state that the majority must do without so that a tiny minority can have far more than they will ever need? Where in the Natural laws does it declare those that cross unnatural borders are illegal persons? In the Natural World there are no borders, no one is illegal.

The unnatural system of the greedy few cannot go on forever, for our Mother Earth cannot withstand that continuous abuse, the people can give to the greedy ones only so much. Mother Earth is already showing signs of breaking down, things must change. We must restore the natural balance of things, the borders must come down and those who have been declared illegal must become legal once again. For there are no borders in the Natural World, and no one is illegal.